Shogun Sumo Boost



Shogun Sumo Boost is a heavyweight bio-stimulant without equal. Based on a natural compound called triacontanol it triggers rapid gains in yield and quality by initiating a powerful and targeted flowering response. Plant efficiency is maximized whilst quality, aroma and taste are improved via enhanced essential oil production.

Root Feed – Add at a rate of 1-2ml/L to your nutrient reservoir or watering can, as soon as the flowering cycle starts and throughout until harvest. Do not use with hydrogen peroxide. If using active hydroponics or have a large nutrient tank, choose Sumo Active Boost as it will be more appropriate to your set-up.

Foliar Application – Add at a rate of 2ml/L and spray onto the leaves. Apply once when the flowering cycle starts and then again, 28 days later. The recommended pH for foliar application is – 5-7.


SHOGUN Fertilisers