Mother Nature CO₂ Generator Bucket With Pump


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This MotherNature CO2 Generator is a complete, self-contained kit designed to operate in sealed grow room environments such as tents or greenhouses.

The Generator more than doubles the ppm of carbon dioxide found in a normal atmosphere, ideal for fast-growing, carbon dioxide-hungry crops. Plants grown in a concentrated CO2 environment are proven to thrive in higher temperatures, grow faster, and have bigger, better flowers and fruits.

The pump that’s attached to the base of the Generator is designed to be plugged into a lighting relay/timer as the unit is ideally activated in sync with your lighting regime. Your CO2 Generator comes on when your lights come on, and so does– in line with your plant’s natural needs. During ‘lights-off’ periods, the Generator switches off, and active CO2-producing bacteria come to life within it, re-energising the bucket.

The MotherNature 10L Generator will provide increased CO2 levels up to 800PPM in a 2.4m x 2.4m area and lasts up to 6 months.

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